What Story Has Water To Tell? by David M. Boje May 17 2020 After being a storytelling researcher 40+ years, I have come to the conclusion, most westerns in Europe and US, are the least aware of the most important part of their existence, water! Most Western Ways of Knowing (WWOK) do not have theContinue reading “WHAT STORY HAS WATER TO TELL?”


We (Marita, Kenneth, and I) have been developing a new business storytelling paradigm. It has five entangling worlds that constitute ’storytelling dynamic’ relationships:1. ANTENARRATIVE WORLD that is pre-constitutive of the next four worlds. You need language, symbols, gestures and so on, in order for the other worlds of storytelling to constitute meaning.2. ABSTRACTING WORLD ofContinue reading “BUSINESS STORYTELLING”

A ‘Realist’ Shamanic Practice of Soul Retrieval for Wounded Warriors

I am a shamanic practitioner, and facilitate a shamanic drumming circle in Las Cruces, New Mexico based on Michael Harner (1980, 2013) books and over a dozen training seminars. Drumming circle clients oftentimes have ‘soul wounds’ and ‘soul loss’ that occur in trauma events, when a fragment of the soul protects our Self by leavingContinue reading “A ‘Realist’ Shamanic Practice of Soul Retrieval for Wounded Warriors”

Is Hegel and Peirce Triadic a Multifractal?

Is Hegel and Peirce Triadic a Multifractal? Blog entry by David M. Boje May 25, 2016, At Copenhagen Business School Abstract: I am posting a response to Søren Brier’s (2014) The riddle of the Sphinx answered” On how C. S. Peirce’s transdisciplinary semiotic philosophy of knowing links science and spirituality. A chapter in Tandy, (ed.) DeathContinue reading “Is Hegel and Peirce Triadic a Multifractal?”

NMSU’s Swainson’s Hawk and the Sixth Extinction

Swainson’s Hawk are becoming a casualty of the Sixth Extinction. Blog post May 21 2016 by David M. Boje, Ph.D. We have to recognize what is causing the extinction of Swainson’s Hawk.  It has something to do with New Mexico State University’s own construction sites (at Renfrow Gym, in the parking lot next to it, the 2Continue reading “NMSU’s Swainson’s Hawk and the Sixth Extinction”